Which Pests Can Be Controlled with Mosquito Joe’s Perimeter Pest Service?

Which Pests Can Be Controlled with Mosquito Joe’s Perimeter Pest Service?


One of the biggest challenges for homeowners is dealing with a variety of pests that seek to invade their home. These pests vary by region, but certain insects are common across many areas and climates. Here’s a look at the typical pests targeted by perimeter pest control services here in Texas.

Ant on the floor of a home.Ants

Ants are among the most frequent invaders when it comes to perimeter pests. Common species include odorous house ants, pavement ants, and carpenter ants. These pests tend to nest outside but often venture into homes for food, particularly when the weather changes. By following pheromone trails, they can establish colonies in hard-to-reach areas of a building. Without a solid barrier, ant infestations can rapidly grow, becoming a persistent problem.

 Centipede on the sidewalk. Centipedes and Millipedes

Centipedes are predators that feed on other insects, while millipedes are scavengers that feed on decaying organic material. Both types of pests thrive in moist environments and can find their way indoors, particularly after periods of rain or cold. Their presence can be unsettling, and centipedes can bite if handled.

Spider on its web formed outside of a home. Spiders

Spiders, while not always harmful, can create unsightly webs around the exterior of homes, especially around windows, doors, and eaves. Many species are common across the U.S., and perimeter pest control helps prevent webs from forming and stops spiders from making homes inside.

Pill bug on the ground. Pill bugs and Sowbugs

These moisture-loving pests are often found around the exterior foundation of homes, hiding under rocks, in mulch, or within moist soil. While they primarily feed on decaying plant matter, they can also damage gardens and young plants. In large numbers, pill bugs and sowbugs can enter homes through small openings, particularly in damp areas.

ear wig on a flowerEarwigs

Mostly nocturnal, earwigs often hide in small, moist crevices during the day, and are active at night. Damage to foliage, flowers, and various crops is commonly blamed on earwigs. Very few earwigs can survive outdoors in cold climates – making your home the perfect escape for them to survive the colder months!

Not sure what’s invading your space? Mosquito Joe has on-call Urban Entomologists to help identify what’s bugging you. We’re here to help – even if it’s just answering some questions for you. However, if you would like a free quote on our perimeter pest control service or have questions about how bundling services can save you money, give us a call at 281-815-0228 today!
