Christmas Trees and Bugs

Every year over 33 million Christmas trees are brought into our homes and decorated for the season. There is nothing like the smell of pine, the twinkling of lights and the cozy feeling we experience at this time of year.

While we may all casually check that our tree is squirrel free, we often forget about the other critters that we may be bringing in. Alternatively, some of us may go above and beyond what is needed and take things a step too far. Up to 25,000 insects can live in one tree so let’s talk about Christmas trees, insects and what you really should be doing when you bring that tree home.

Firstly, and most importantly, please do not spray your tree with an insecticide when you get it home! While this may seem like the simplest solution to prevent any issues, most sprays are flammable, and you can be setting yourself up for trouble. Here are some steps to take to minimize bringing critters home with your festive décor:

  1. Shake, shake, shake. Not only does this dislodge all the loose pine needles you don’t want to bring inside, but it dislodges the majority of the guests taking a ride in the tree. Most tree farms will do this for you before wrapping the tree, but it never hurts to do it again after the trip home.
  2. Use a flashlight and check through the tree for a nest or anything else you may want to remove from it before you take it inside.
  3. Set your tree up in its base and let it sit in your garage for a day or two before moving it inside. Some of the insects in the tree may wake up with the warmth (although let’s be honest, it’s dog in front of christmas treeTexas, and its already pretty warm!) and wander away.
  4. Vacuum under the tree regularly once it is inside. You will probably do this anyway to keep the needles picked up, but in doing so you will vacuum up any stowaways that may be heading off on an adventure.
  5. Keep the water under your tree fresh. Stagnant and dirty water makes a lot of insects happy, especially mosquitoes!

If you are thinking, “this doesn’t apply to me, we have a fake tree,” you may be right. But consider where and how you store your tree. It’s still a good idea to give it a good shake, especially if you store it unwrapped in an attic space. The bugs may not be able to feed from it, but it can do a good job of creating a home for your attic dwellers (especially spiders).

christmas decorationsYou can expect the following bugs in a Christmas tree: spiders, mites, aphids, adelgids, bark beetles, praying mantises and sawflies. All of these will die along with the tree, so there is no need to worry unnecessarily. Every insect requires food and water to live, just like us. Survival, on what is essentially a dead tree, is not possible and these insects will not take over your home.

So, while the tree you bring home may have a lot of unwanted visitors, there are easy steps you can take to get those removed. Once you have followed our steps above you can relax and enjoy your beautiful decorations and the Christmas season!


Things to Do at Home

For the introverts amongst us, staying at home is not much of a change in routine.  But for the extrovert, thumb twiddling could become the next sport.  We thought we would gather together some ideas to keep you busy during this strange time.

If you are looking for some “big” ideas, consider learning a new language or taking up an art form. From painting to simple doodling, you can pass a few happy hours this way: watercolor, oil paint, drawing, sculpting and so on.   There are a lot of tutorials available on YouTube for every art medium you can think of. If you want something that requires less skill, check out some of the new A person painting with a brush in a bucket of paintpaint by number options out there. You can paint some pretty impressive and large pieces of art these days. You can also consider scrapbooking. Do you have a pile of old photos you’ve always been meaning to sort out? Now is a great time to sit down and create some albums for your family to treasure. Create a vision board and get your kids to do the same.

Baking is a great hobby that has the added benefit of filling up your kitchen with yummy treats. The only down-side here is the possible lack of ingredients in your local stores.  Check out Instagram for streaming bread-making classes, or, again, head to YouTube for some free lessons. There are also a multitude of companies that offer classes online if you want to take that paBaker preparing breadth.

If you love to organize, now is a great time to set about with a plan to sort out your home.  Marie Kondo and her book “The Magic Art of Tidying Up” approaches tidying from a new perspective and you can drill down and get your whole house revamped in a few weeks.  It’s also a great time for all those honey-do’s that there is never any time for.

A person holding a plantGardening is another great hobby that you can really enjoy this time of year. Maybe you’ve always intended on laying a new bed or revamping some old ones. Getting outside can really keep your spirits up when you are asked to stay home and what better way to use your time than to make some changes and upgrade your curb appeal.

If gardening isn’t for you, work on the inside of your home and consider painting a new color on the wall or moving some furniture around.

People sitting around a campfire

If you have children, you know that starting a new hobby is not as easy as it sounds. But consider making it a family affair and learn something new together. Have an afternoon of art, create a fairy garden outside or sort out their toys with them. Pulling out some cards or jigsaw’s or games is a great way to spend time together. Think about putting a tent up in the yard and going on a “camping trip” or build a fort in the game room.

A notepad with a list of goals and a penSpeaking of the kids, consider getting everyone involved in some family exercise like yoga or aerobics. An hour of expending some energy will help everyone’s sanity. Opt for a picnic in the garden instead of dinner at the table if the weather allows. The key with kids is having some kind of routine to make each day have purpose. Honestly, routine is key with us adults too. Consider writing down all the tasks you wish you had time for, and all the things you wish you had time to learn.  Then create a calendar to get those things accomplished. Just don’t forget to intersperse some fun in there!
